
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Veteran's Day 2011

This is Veteran's Day weekend and I am very grateful for, and very proud of, the Veterans in my family and in Roger's family who fought to protect the rights and freedoms that we all enjoy. In my family are:
Jay P. Sorensen, who was at Pearl Harbor the day it was attacked. Uncle Jay was my Grandma's oldest brother.
Rex D. Sorensen and Glenn Sorensen, Grandma's other two brothers, and Rose Sorensen Mackley. Aunt Rose was Grandma's youngest sister and she was a WAC. Uncle Rex served in the Pacific and Uncle Glenn helped to decode enemy communiques.
Robert M. Roberts and James R. Roberts, my dad and my uncle. My dad was in the Navy.
In Roger's family are:
Benjamin Wallace Price, Roger's dad, who served in Europe during WWII, and Robert L. Price, Roger's brother, who was in the Navy.
And, even though he was 'technically' not related to me, I am very grateful for Richard J. Pettit, who served in Europe during WWII and was a prisoner of war for several years.
When I see the flag of our country, I think of these people who gave so much to keep it flying over a free nation. I pray that God will continue to Bless America and that the citizens of this country will be wise and grateful.

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