
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Value of True Friends

I have just been 'chastised' by someone who claimed to be my 'friend' because I said I am very glad that the California State Supreme Court has decided to uphold Proposition 8. Frankly, I am not at all surprised by her reaction to my statement and suspect that I will be mocked and shunned by others before all is said and done. Oh well. It never ceases to amaze me how free people feel to call me a bigot, a non-Christian, judgemental, uninformed, and all kinds of other things while THEY live lives that are non-Christian, THEY judge Me, and THEY are bigoted against My values and beliefs. I honestly do not care if adults decide to live their lives a certain way in private. They are old enough to make their own choices and they will be held accountable for them, just as I will be held accountable for mine. But, I will NEVER stand by quietly while these same people feel free to deface the temple of The Lord and mock the true gospel of God. I will NEVER accept that I, as a public school teacher, may be compelled to teach 'alternate lifestyle' lessons to children as young as kindergartners, just so these people can feel they are being treated "fairly." I will NEVER let them equate their so-called "relationships" with my loving marriage. If this looses me friends, so be it. These are the last days. The wheat and the tares are being cut from the fields together, but will soon be sifted. I count the rejection of these types of people as a part of that sifting process.


  1. Hi Cindy!

    I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. I am confounded by the same thing that seems to be bothering you.

    It shouldn't surprise anyone who claims to be a follower of Christ that those who oppose His teaching will do some persecuting, it's an age-old practice.

    But for some reason, it always takes me by surprise when someone accuses me(usually angrily)of hypocrisy, bigotry, close-mindedness, etc. and proceeds to condemn my beliefs. Can they not hear the words that are coming out of their own mouths? To me, it sounds an awful lots like hypocrisy, bigotry and close-mindedness.

    Thanks for letting me chime in :)

  2. Carrie,

    Chime in any time, please! I am always happy to hear from you and hear your views. This same friend has written me two more e-mails, condemming me, the church, Christianity in general, and everything else she could think of. But, of course, she is not judgemental because she is right! Oh well....

    A friend of my husband and I keeps telling me, "Don't feed the ogres, Cindy." In other words, don't answer them, don't give them the fight they are seeking. I have trouble keeping my mouth shut (as you may know! lol!) but I am going to try because the bottom line is: it's a waste of time. Satan has clearly blinded many, many eyes!

    Changing the subject: How is Tacie?

  3. She is in the MTC and loves it! She says Indonesian is fairly easy - vowels the same as Spanish, but no millions of tenses and no masculine/feminine, so she gets to concentrate more on the discussions. She loves when the General Authorities speak to them and says her companions and district are awesome. She's got a great attitude. She gets lots of encouragement from her brother, Michael, since he's the veteran at 7 months in the field :) It seems like she has been gone so long, but it will be a month on Friday :)

    We get out of school on Friday - I can't wait!!!!! Are you out already?
