
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Roger and I are going to have a very 'low key' day together. This is partly due to the fact that we do not have a lot of days to go traveling anywhere and partly due to the fact that Thanksgiving is a little bittersweet for us because Roger's mom passed away on Thanksgiving four years ago. Obviously, Thanksgiving falls on a different date each year, but I choose to especially think of her on Thanksgiving. Despite the fact that it will be a pretty relaxed holiday for us, I still have much to be thankful for and do not want to neglect to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father.
I am so thankful for the gospel in my life! I do not understand how people who go to other churches are satisfied with so little of the truth, but it makes me even more grateful for the abundance of the gospel that has been restored to the earth and is available to all who wish to partake of it. I am thankful for the scriptures, for a living prophet, for a loving God who answers prayers.
I am so very thankful for Roger. I never, in my wildest dreams, could have imagined what it would be like to be married to someone who loves me so much and is so supportive and caring. I have never felt safer with anybody in my life. I do not have to go through trials and difficulties alone anymore. I know that he believes in me. I know that he wants to hear me say 'I love you' as much as I want to say it. He wants me to touch him and kiss him as much as I want to do those things. To be married is one thing. To be married to someone who is so perfect for me and so wonderful to me is a completely different thing. I never thought I'd have the first, but I certainly did not dream that I'd be so blessed to have the second.
This year has been one of health and work difficulties. Of the many lessons I have learned, one that has been very hard, but very important, is to realize who my true friends are. It is a very sad thing to realize that, when the chips are down, many of those that seemed like friends, just disappear. But it has made me all the more thankful for those who remained and were not afraid to stand by me.
I am thankful for many little pleasures in my life: for cats that rub up against me and purr and want my affection, for good sleep, for the joy that music brings to me, for the ability and opportunity to create beautiful things, for wonderful sensory experiences like having my hair brushed or my nails filed or my back scratched, for colors and textures and smells and tastes, for laughter, for travel, for adventures.
I am certainly far from worthy of all of the many blessings that Heavenly Father has bestowed upon me, but I am very, very grateful!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Veteran's Day 2011

This is Veteran's Day weekend and I am very grateful for, and very proud of, the Veterans in my family and in Roger's family who fought to protect the rights and freedoms that we all enjoy. In my family are:
Jay P. Sorensen, who was at Pearl Harbor the day it was attacked. Uncle Jay was my Grandma's oldest brother.
Rex D. Sorensen and Glenn Sorensen, Grandma's other two brothers, and Rose Sorensen Mackley. Aunt Rose was Grandma's youngest sister and she was a WAC. Uncle Rex served in the Pacific and Uncle Glenn helped to decode enemy communiques.
Robert M. Roberts and James R. Roberts, my dad and my uncle. My dad was in the Navy.
In Roger's family are:
Benjamin Wallace Price, Roger's dad, who served in Europe during WWII, and Robert L. Price, Roger's brother, who was in the Navy.
And, even though he was 'technically' not related to me, I am very grateful for Richard J. Pettit, who served in Europe during WWII and was a prisoner of war for several years.
When I see the flag of our country, I think of these people who gave so much to keep it flying over a free nation. I pray that God will continue to Bless America and that the citizens of this country will be wise and grateful.