
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Interesting Idea......

Today, during the closing prayer for Sacrament Meeting, the gentleman praying was giving thanks for the great meeting, the speakers, etc. Then, he said, "........And help us to record any personal revelations we received......." I have never heard anybody say that in a prayer, but it really made me think. Throughout the ages, Heavenly Father has commanded His people, especially His prophets, to keep records. When the Savior came to the Americas, one thing He said what that there were things missing from their records: scriptures they'd been given had not been written down. It makes sense to me that, in addition to writing down our genealogy and our experiences, we should also write down any personal insights or revelations that we receive. I realize that, to most people, this is not a new idea. You may be thinking, "Well, DUH Cindy!" However, it is a new idea to me. I am going to try to remember to do this more.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder Cindy. I have a Sacrament Meeting journal that I need to start taking to church with me again.
