
Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me! What Should I Wish For?

Well, today is my birthday. I swear I almost forgot that it was until my husband came home from work this morning and said, "Happy Birthday!" to me. I am 49. In one more year, I will be 50! (And they say I can't do math! HA!) I am old! Yet, I do not feel old. I do not feel like a high school or college girl, but I do not feel like someone who's at least halfway through her life, either. I am grateful for many things, though, and thought I'd write about them here. I am grateful to have a wonderful husband -- a blessing I NEVER thought I'd actually have. I am grateful to have a home (however, unorganized and cluttered and frustrating it is!) and a reliable car and a good job. I am grateful that we have enough money to be able to pay our bills each month without worrying too much. There are months that are harder and months that are easier but, for the most part, we do not struggle as many others we know do. I am grateful to be an American, even if I am sorely disappointed in the choice of President that most of my fellow Americans made last fall. It is and, hopefully, will always be the greatest country on earth. I am grateful to be able to feel that I have made a difference in at least a few of my students' lives throughout the years I've been teaching. (some that come to mind are: Omar De La Cruz, Krystal Villanueva, Krystal Rodriguez, Marco Rodriguez, and Alexa Valle -- and those are only ones I've had here in the Valley, not from before I moved here.) I am very grateful for good friends, who love and support me. I am grateful to feel more accepted and a part of my ward -- not an easy thing, but I've finally "arrived", it seems. I am grateful for my calling as a Relief Society teacher. I am grateful for my talents and the joy it brings me to create things, sing, sew, etc. I am grateful for pets -- my Gilbert and Paulina -- and the joy they bring me. I am grateful to not be allergic to animals. I am grateful for the gospel in my life and for my testimony and for all that being a member of the church has brought to my life. I am grateful for my Grandma -- I know that anything good about me, ultimately came from her, including my ability to sew, teach, sing, etc. I am grateful to have known Roger's mom and for the ease with which we told each other "I love you" each and every time we saw one another. I am grateful for all I've learned and seen as I've travelled with Roger all over the United States. I contemplate all of these wonderful blessings -- many more, I know, than I deserve -- I have really nothing to wish for as I blow out my birthday candles except for the wish that I may be more righteous and more worthy of all that I have been given and more responsible for all that I have stewardship over. So, bring on the cake! I'm ready! (But you may want to stand by with a fire extinguisher, just in case! 49 is a lot of candles!)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday my friend. Thank you for the lesson on gratitude. I am grateful for you! Love ya.
