
Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to Make a Paper Wallet

This is my first attempt at a 'crafty' blog/tutorial. I appreciate any comments/suggestions. I saw an article in a magazine about making a paper wallet. It was very cute, but quite complicated. It required a lot of materials, as well. I decided to try to simplify it so that I can do it w/ my afterschool craft class. This is what I came up with.


2 pages 12x12 in scrapbook paper (matching papers work best)

1 ruler

1 pencil


wide, clear package tape


1. Lay the scrapbook papers end to end, so that edges are flush together. Tape. You should now have a rectangle that is approximately 12 in x 24 in.

2. Use the ruler to measure 2 inches off one of the long sides of the rectangle. Cut. Your rectangle should now measure approximately 10 in x 24 in.

3. Turn the rectangle face down. Start with one of the short ends. Fold the end up 3 inches. Then fold it back, accordian style. Then take the end (still folded) and fold it forward again, 4 inches.

4. Go to the other short end of the rectangle. Fold it up 6 inches and fold it again (not accordian this time, just over the other fold you just did) 3 inches. This end should go underneath the acccording folded end.

5. You now have two 'pockets' in your wallet: one for money and one for cards. The side edges are still open.

6. Use the package tape to 'laminate' the pockets and the outside of the wallet. Then, use more tape to close up the sides of the wallet. Fold in half, lengthwise, and put it in your pocket/purse!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Interesting Idea......

Today, during the closing prayer for Sacrament Meeting, the gentleman praying was giving thanks for the great meeting, the speakers, etc. Then, he said, "........And help us to record any personal revelations we received......." I have never heard anybody say that in a prayer, but it really made me think. Throughout the ages, Heavenly Father has commanded His people, especially His prophets, to keep records. When the Savior came to the Americas, one thing He said what that there were things missing from their records: scriptures they'd been given had not been written down. It makes sense to me that, in addition to writing down our genealogy and our experiences, we should also write down any personal insights or revelations that we receive. I realize that, to most people, this is not a new idea. You may be thinking, "Well, DUH Cindy!" However, it is a new idea to me. I am going to try to remember to do this more.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Rest In Peace, Joe, We Will Miss You!

Today I attended the memorial service for a man named Joe. Joe was 90 years old. He was a member of several Masonic organizations, which is where I met him. Joe was a widower -- his wife passed away LONG before I met him. He was such a sweet man - always smiling, always encouraging and positive. Joe is the only person that I have ever performed CPR on.

About three years ago, at a Masonic event, we were all standing for the benediction. Joe collapsed. Roger and I started CPR right away. Roger did the breathing, I did the compressions. I am sure that the only reason I was able to stay calm and do it was because Roger kept encouraging me. He was very calm and just went to work. I counted aloud and did the compressions but Joe was starting to turn blue and I was afraid we were losing him. In fact, at one point, I was sure he was gone. Another one of the Masons took over doing the compressions for me -- he was much stronger and pushed so hard on Joe's chest, his legs rose off the floor with each compression. I still wonder that Joe did not have some broken ribs. In the meantime, we were waiting for the paramedics to arrive. The thing was, Joe's own son Chris is a fireman and we were trying to locate him to let him know. It seemed to take a long time, but finally the paramedics got there. They immediately started working on Joe. They defibrillated him several times and gave him several shots. Finally, they got his heart started again. The color started coming back to his face. They put him on a stretcher and took him to the hospital. On the way home, I asked Roger if he thought Joe was going to make it. He said he wasn't sure. We both agreed, however, that it was very fortunate that Joe had collapsed when he had. If we had ended the meeting and he'd gone home and collapsed there, he would have been alone and would surely have died.

Joe was not meant to die three years ago. He made a complete recovery and was as active and fun as ever before. He was very special to Roger and I, especially after that incident. We felt like we had been able to be instruments in God's hands to help him. Every time we saw him after that, I'd ask him how he was. Many times he would say something about how we'd given him another chance at life and things like that. Joe loved to be in a group, having dinner, talking, enjoying the company of others. He was very full of life and joy.

A few weeks ago, we heard that Joe was not doing very well. He looked a lot thinner, although still as positive and joyful as always. He had some tests done. The results were not good: cancer. They operated, thinking they would remove the cancer, but ended up closing him back up without doing anything. The cancer was too widespread.

Joe knew that he was dying. He was still as positive and loving and friendly as ever until his last breath. The service today was a testament to the wonderful man he was. There were over 100 people there, even in the extreme heat of an Imperial Valley summer. There were grown men who were crying because they were going to miss him so much. Joe was loved by many people. We will all miss him very much! Rest in peace, Joe.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stupid People -- How I Hate Them!

Months and months ago I posted on a facebook page that was about proposition 8 and how the Mormons need to "check their facts" about the church's involvement in getting the proposition passed. There were several posts on there that were negative against the church but they were not too ugly. I posted my opinion-- I just checked the date and all it says is "over a year ago" -- and have never heard anything about it until today. Today some idiot posted a response to me, with very ugly words about me and the church. I posted back. Then this person (whose name is Pat, so I do not even know if it is a male or a female) posted back and was even uglier, calling me a liar, saying things about the church and the church leadership that is absolute fantasy. I posted back. Then, I went out to dinner and a movie with my wonderful husband. Tonight, when we got home, I checked again and this person had posted again. The post is full of outright lies about Joseph Smith, President Hinckley, BYU, and the church as a whole. I did not even read the whole thing because it was just making me sick. I DID, however, report this person to facebook as "Attacking a person or group" because I figure this person did both. I did not post anything in response. I know I have to just let it go. Sadly, I am not very good at letting these things go. I just do not understand how people can believe the lies that are out there about the church. They are so ridiculous and outlandish that I would think that ANYBODY with ANY sense at all, member of the church or not, would be able to figure out that they could not possibly be true. Obviously, that is not the case.

I know that these are the last days. I can see the hand of Satan all around. I see how he is leading SO many people, members of the church included, astray. I am sometimes amazed at how sneaky and slimey he can be, insinuating himself into people's lives, almost without them realizing until it is too late. He picks up on the most subtle, slight, small little thing and uses it against us, to tear us down and weaken our testimony and break our resolve and get us to go astray. I worry every day about how I am going to make it. I try very hard to keep in mind the quote by Bruce R. McConkie. I cannot quote it exactly, but basically he said that the church is like a big caravan, moving through the desert. From time to time, rabid dogs will come and nip at the heels of the caravan, desert robbers will come and try to harm the caravan,but the caravan will continue. Nothing can stop it. I also love the quote that Joseph Smith wrote in the Wentworth letter:

"No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear; till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done. "
I LOVE the power in that statement. NOTHING can stop the gospel from going forth: not lies, not apostates, not Satan and all of his followers.....NOTHING. I find comfort in that. I love the gospel. I know it is true. I know that we have a true, living Prophet on the earth today and that Prophet is President Monson. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and did more than anyone on this earth, save Jesus Christ, to help the inhabitants of this earth. I know that he saw God, the Father and Jesus Christ. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. I have NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER about any of these things. I have serious doubts about Heavenly Father being able to love me. I have serious doubts about ever being worthy to live with Him again. But I have NO doubts about the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If others choose to follow Satan, to not believe the truth, to persecute the church and it's members, I cannot help it. I cannot change their minds. And, the truth is, I should not waste my time on them. I know I just need to stay close to the caravan, to cling to the Iron Rod, and not let the wild, rabid dogs bother me. They are NOTHING, compared to our Heavenly Father.